» S T 1 T « » C R T F » r s n a
Reader Survey 2011
Q1 How were you introduced to the Indian edition of
Better Homes and Gardens (BHG)?
□ At the news-stand
□ Online
□ Advertisement
□ Word of Mouth
□ Other (please specify).
Q2 What prompted you to buy this issue?
□ Cover celebrity
□ Cover lines
□ Table of contents
□ The look and feel of
the magazine
□ Word of mouth
□ After reading
someone’s copy
□ Visibility at the news-stand
Q3 Where do you usually get your copy of BHG from?
□ I’m a subscriber
□ News-stand
□ Complimentary copy
□ Lending library
□ Others (please specify).
Q4 Do you refer to BHG for ideas/suggestions?
□ Regularly
□ Occasionally
□ Never
Q5 What is your favourite section in the magazine?
□ Cover Story
□ Fresh
□ Home
□ Garden
□ Living
□ Style
□ Better
□ Food
Q6 Which features do you find
□ Recipes
□ Relationship advice
□ Product information
□ New launches
most useful?
Decor tips
Style counsel
Health news
Garden know-how
Q7 Do you find the content.
□ Easy-to-relate-to
□ Informative
□ Boring
□ Accurate
□ Interesting
□ Unique
Q8 Have you ever tried a decor or gardening idea/
recipe or any general tip published in the magazine at
□ Yes
□ No
If yes, please specify.
All respondents will win a special gift—a lipstick and nailpolish duo from ColorBar and a 3-month subscription to BHG.
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